Oil Masters Golf Club
Most Improved Golfer Report
Note:  Only golfers who were active over Revision Dates with Factor of 1.000 or greater are listed.
For Revision Dates: 1/1/2024 to 1/1/2025
Rank GHIN # Name Starting Hdcp DIFF Ending Hdcp DIFF Factor
1 9288120 Glenn Fisher 22.5 180.8 19.1 152.6 1.109
2 9656334 Frederick Walker 4.4 35.4 3.1 24.5 1.086
3 9737202 Jesse Kirk 10.3 82.2 8.6 68.6 1.083
4 11797755 Robert Frackelton 24.9 199.1 22.2 177.4 1.079
5 9360112 Pishya Chamkasem 9.9 79.5 8.3 66.5 1.079
6 9234403 Dan Bennett 11.6 93.0 9.9 79.4 1.078
7 8688238 John McCluskey 6.7 55.3 5.5 43.8 1.069
8 673301 James Tang 15.7 125.3 14.0 111.6 1.065
9 12076724 Michael Smith 25.5 25.5 23.5 187.6 1.056
10 9061664 Gary Sammon 10.0 80.3 8.9 70.8 1.053
11 9661497 Joe Roman 19.6 157.0 18.0 144.0 1.053
12 358500 Bonn Rhee 8.9 71.3 7.9 63.2 1.050
13 9704104 Stephen Ludlam 14.8 118.0 13.6 109.1 1.047
14 474084 Mark Johnson 17.2 137.3 16.0 128.3 1.043
15 2917024 Tim Leal 13.9 111.4 12.9 102.8 1.040
16 9223062 Dane Bebermeyer 17.9 143.3 17.1 136.6 1.027
17 9474729 Jeff Chess 8.6 68.4 8.1 64.5 1.025
18 6935422 Thomas Tingley 17.6 141.0 16.9 135.0 1.024
19 86965 Mike Messinger 13.1 104.5 12.5 100.0 1.024
20 190925 Jim Holden 11.5 92.3 11.0 87.9 1.022
21 12100337 Daniel Garcia 29.0 59.9 28.3 198.4 1.017
22 9354175 Ken Barrette 7.3 58.0 7.1 56.7 1.010
23 11871345 Subrato Ghosh 17.4 139.5 17.1 137.1 1.010
24 9170882 Glenn Pattillo 7.3 58.2 7.1 56.7 1.010
25 9687559 Sam Woo 13.3 106.2 13.1 104.5 1.008
26 9509330 Ray Scott 33.4 267.5 33.2 265.3 1.004
27 86037 Francis Yee 15.7 125.8 15.6 124.7 1.004
28 10951061 Paul Dofton 22.4 44.7 22.4 44.7 1.000
29 9611131 Jack Schooler 15.9 127.3 15.9 127.3 1.000
30 9642170 Anthony Battey 8.2 65.7 8.2 65.3 1.000
31 9330973 Mark Isham 10.2 81.8 10.2 81.8 1.000
32 8689290 Don Budde 27.2 219.6 27.2 217.5 1.000
33 42402 Daniel Butler 18.1 144.9 18.1 144.9 1.000
Starting Handicap Index: 22.6
Ending Handicap Index: 17.4
Value A: 22.6 + 12 = 34.6
Value B: 17.4 + 12 = 29.4
A / B: 34.6 / 29.4 = 1.177
Improvement Factor:  1.177
Note: Add 6* instead of 12 in the case of a nine-hole Handicap Index (N).
*The numbers 6 and 12 have been determined by the USGA as equitable in gauging the improvement of players encompassing the entire spectrum of 
handicaps. For example, it is relatively the same improvement factor to go from a 20.0 to a 10.0 Handicap Index (improvement factor of 1.454) as it is to 
go from a 5.0 to a scratch, or zero Handicap Index (improvement factor of 1.416), yet the change in Handicap Index is "10" (20 - 10) versus "5" (5 - 0) 
strokes. The numbers of 6 and 12 take into consideration the level of a player's improvement rather than the net change in Handicap Index.
Please note: This ranking is for guidance only and should be carefully reviewed by the handicap committee and modified if necessary.  There are many 
special situations which cannot be taken into account by the formula alone, especially if the club joined GHIN for the first time this year.  The committee 
always has final authority in selecting their most improved player.